
Course Syllabus:

About the Course

This is at least the second programming course in SIAT. Some of the material will be a review to stress the importance of the fundamentals. However, there will be a heavy emphasis on Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and advanced topics in Game Programming. The topics discussed in this course will be fundamental to success at SIAT and work in the field of Interactive Art and Technology.

Academic Honesty

There are NO team assignments in this course. Each student is responsible for his/her own learning. You are expected to follow SFU's policy on Academic Honesty.

Any behavior outside this policy will result in termination from the course.


This course covers a lot of material. While you are not expected to become an expert programmer, you must demonstrate knowledge in the core concepts of the course in order to succeed.

The course is designed to be fun, exciting, and challenging. Plan to work hard and have a great time!

There are no shortcuts in life - only those we imagine. [Frank Leahy]


Lectures provide an intro to the topics discussed in labs and assignments.

These lectures will be fun, engaging, inspiring. Your attendance is strongly recommended!

No Cell Phones, Facebook, YouTube, Email, Etc...

If you are not paying attention or become a distraction, please leave, or you will be asked politely to do so.

Multitasking is the opportunity
to screw up more than one thing at a time. [anon]


Each lab will have a 30-45 minute programming tutorial at the beginning. The remaining hour will be used to discuss questions about the lab, or your current assignment.

All labs are located in SUR 3100 and are posted on the course schedule.

The expectations for labs are the same as lectures.

If you are not paying attention or become a distraction, please leave, or you will be asked politely to do so.

Course Materials

The material found on this website and any links noted as required are applicable for quizzes and assignments.


There are four quizzes in the course that will be given in the lecture.


There will be four assignments. You will be given approximately two weeks to complete each assignment. There is one hour in each lab to get assistance.

All assignments must be completed individually.


There will be a short quiz when each assignment is due. This quiz is 3 questions pass / fail only. If you read the assignment and learned the material, you will be fine.

Final Project

There is a final project for the course. This project must demonstrate knowledge of the entire course. More details will be available soon.

The final project is to be completed individually. There will be a showcase where questions will be asked about the creation of the project and how certain expectations were met. There is also a final report.


  • Labs: 5%
  • Quizzes: 25% (3 x 5% + 10%)
  • Assignments: 30% (3 x 5% code + 3% quiz + 2% design)
  • Project: 40%
    • Proposal: 7% (2% + 5%)
    • Milestones: 6% (3 x 2%)
    • Showcase Interview: 2%
    • Project: 15% (12% code, 3% design)
    • Report: 10%