Mobile Application Design and Development is essentially what the title says. By the end of the course you will have all the design and technical ability to build and deploy a mobile application using modern web technologies.
This website contains all important dates, links to readings and material, assignments, labs and examples that will be used in the course.
The website itself is also a mobile application and can be accessed anywhere by a smartphone running a modern, evergreen browser.
Please read the next section "Course Overview" carefully.
This is a "survey course", where material regarding a subject is curated by the lecturer, read by the student, and tested through discussions, quizzes and assignments.
For this reason, it is important that you understand a few key points about what a survey course is:
In this course we will be taking a look at several examples (online and video) of Human Interface Guidelines for mobile applications. Expect to take notes, compare and contrast design idioms, and apply these principles in your own projects.
You will be graded on your ability to learn, synthesize, think citically and apply the assigned materials. Many other resources exist and may supplement the required material, so do not be afraid to suggest or cite external sources.
In your labs your TA will give you a brief overview and survey of some, but not all, leading web technologies used in industry to create mobile web applications.
You are REQUIRED to use web technologies and NO OTHER tools or languages, even if they compile to a mobile web application.
You are NOT required to use the frameworks and libraries mentioned in your labs for assignments. They were of course chosen for their popularity in industry so it might make sense to get aquainted with them.
Think about what learning means to you.
This class is not about grades, meeting requirements, or bsing results.
This class is about one thing, excellent work If you deliver excellent work, bring critical thinking, enthusiasm, and energy to discussions, do things on time time, with no fuss and no bs, you will be rewarded.
This is up to you, to make excellent work from the materials and assignments you're given So if you don't think you have what it takes, you don't like this subject, my style, or learning on your own, you're consistently slapping assignments together, falling asleep in class, or asking for extensions, DROP THIS COURSE.
I don't want dead weight in this classroom, to sit through boring, uninspiring project presentations, or stare at slap dash assignments trying to give out pity marks.
This class is a special topics course and I'm giving you the opportunity every SIAT student dreams of.
You get to build a mobile application using the latest web technologies.
But it's going to be a lot of work learning these technologies, understanding their mechanics, and implementing your own applications.
At the end of the day, the only expectation I have is that you blow me away with well reasoned, well designed and cleanly executed applications.
I want to see quality apps from all of you.
Apps that have the potential to be in app stores and markets online.
So if you don't want to achieve this level of excellence, drop If you're not interested or motivated by this topic, drop If you have too much on your plate this semester, drop
This is a contract
That means if you stay in this course.
I better be excited about your work.
You better be proud of your work.
We all should be impressed by your work.
See the last section of each lab for a challenge exercise that is due the following week!
See the grades section of each assignment!